Saturday, July 31, 2010


I am currently in a pinch.
I'm supposed to write a script for my Teaching Writing for Secondary School subject.

The topic: syntax. The highlights are 1) sentence structures, 2) sentence boundaries and 3) stylistic choices.

I need to explain these items in a manner that suitable for secondary school students. The script needs to be approved in 4 weeks before I can do video shoot for this stuff. How in Mother Goose's name am I suppose to explain syntactic properties to a bunch of teenagers when I don't even understand the subject itself???

I really hate linguistic courses.


hud said...

ur syllabus is quite different than ours. i'm not sure whether i can be any of help or not. :l

saki said...

yeah, i know.
but any info would be a help

alia kamal said...

good luck sakinah! u can do it. i mean, easily :)