Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I'm doing less and less substituting for other people lately (sigh with relief).

Maybe it's because I'm taking "no cock-and-bull" stand. I get ticked off when someone uses stupid excuses when they don't do their work. I used to be extremely audacious (more so than before) in voicing my mind (and action).

Now, I don't even have to tell off those leeches to do their work. I simply write off their names from the cover page without further warning: there is no way I am going to let someone take credit for what others have sweated for.

The only thing that pisses me off right now is a person who does not take responsibility seriously and excuses herself with bullshit reasons.

I am not angry. I'm just frothing foam from my mouth, feeling livid and extremely wroth with that inane, gormless, dimwit, lame brained girl.

Patience? Mercy? Don't expect that from me: nothing changes all year round for my personality. My patience runs very thin during Ramadhan. That person can expect me spurting fire from my mouth when we meet again. Oh, I so want to kick her arse off the universe.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ramadhan, Tarawikh and School Life

I know I made a resolve this year: "Ramadhan ni aku nak kerap pergi buat solat tarawikh."

However, I get too lazy or too tired to go (because I usually finish class at 6.30, with the exception on Thursday and Friday).

Not only I'm too lazy to go for tarawikh, I also renege on my promise to eat properly. I get too lazy to buy food, I usually break fast with biscuits and drink (or whatever I have in my room). No, I am not on diet or anything. I'm just plain lazy to walk a few meters away from my room to buy food. -_-

Ah, apart from that, we're having a video shoot for teaching writing course. Hehe, it's really awesome to be in a recording studio loh, what with the lighthing and the teleprompter (rasa macam macam news caster baca skrip guna benda tu).

I have one assignment to submit next week on ethics in everyday life, Arabic midterm this Saturday, two more midterm exam next week, one presentation on financial control systems and panic payment (for my co-curricular class), and actual recording for syntax in writing next week.

It's raining miserably everyday, my sneakers got wet every time I get back to my hostel. Don't mistaken me God. I like cool weather but can you please make it cloudy, not rainy? Thanks.

Hud, I gave you my number already (in the comment section). If you come by at my uni, give me a holler, will you?

p/s: Syahmi and the rest of you guys who bother to read this post, take care of your health. If you feel like fainting, make sure you lower yourself to the ground. It is unsightly to see people crashing on the floor when they faint. Go to the clinic or skip class if you don't feel well.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Drabble, Babble, Cackle

I'm in a quagmire of assignments. Wargghh! Tensyen nya aku!

Cough. That's old news.

IIUM had this aurah awareness campaign and the guards started to fine students, especially females. It's so silly. The girls here wear proper attire in the campus meh. There was this girl who wore track bottom and top yang labuh who was fined on whims. Oh, not to forget a student was nearly given a summon when she was driving because "Lengan baju awak terselak," according to the pak guard.

What more need to be covered? The whole face. After this we can all go wear heave veils and stumble around. Impeded vision and stumbling around? It's a small price to pay if we can cover our ugly faces. "Yes!," the Student Council enthusiastically shouted. "Covering every part of your body, even your bulu roma is necessary because we are practicing Islamic culture".

Yeah, my ass. Someone even made a joke about starting a new fashion trend in IIUM. Let's all wear baju kelawar with inner. Then we can all avoid sinning (of exposing one's aurah). Yes! Bersayap adalah lebih baik.

BTW, I'm tempted to say this,"Why can't we learn to be IM MORAL (remove the spacing)?" I have way too many moral education subjects, I am tempted to do something immoral.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Of things that are not black or white

I love to read.

Lately, my reading materials have expanded to that of erotic stuff?!

Lol. I am currently reading Boy's Love novels.

Not that I'm into gay relationship or queer guys, but the way the stuff written are eye opener. I didn't even realize that most homosexuals initially have difficulty to admit that they have abnormal sexual orientation until I read BL stuff. Trying to constantly suppress their homosexuality is a long, constant battle against depression. It is really hard to deny yourself for what you are.

Posting this does not mean that I support homosexuality. I know it is wrong because God has created us for what we are supposed to be. However, life is not as simple and clear cut as black and white. That's why we are not supposed to easily condemned those who do not fit with the norm of society. I think I won't be really disgusted when someone admits that he/she is a homosexual because I know it must have taken a lot of courage for a homosexual to admit that he/she is one.