Monday, February 23, 2009

Present vacuum

As usual, because I so love to procrastinate, I'm having a very heavy traffic on mt to-do list. At present, my head is swimming with TPR, N Prabhu and!!!

Oh yeah, speaking about phonology, my presentation on vowel/consonant and difficulties in pronunciation sucks-big time. It's really hard even though we're learning it in general- what with the phonotactic constraints.If I have to take specialization in phonology, I'd drop dead, frothing. oy, oy,oui!

Children live in now and here moment. It's been proven in the grammar usage and memory capacity. Why am I writing it here? ehehehe..because I've just been sounded over my mindless state; I forget things that happened after 10 minutes and I'm usually absorbed in whatever I'm doing, I don't think. I don't think. I don't think. I even forget about what I do in the morning after 2 o'clock. (sigh) I should really try mastering memory retention technique. Growing up is the most tedious, painful and troublesome thing ever. I wish I'd be like this forever and ever, but hey, nothing comes without progress. Oh, well. I guess things will get better. It can't be worse than now, right?

Happy birthday to Fatin 'Izzati bt Mohd Radzi!
All best wishes from me. Stay healthy, have fun and conquer the world. Hmm...bila dia dah jadi Menteri Sukan, agak-agak boleh dapat tiket match for free tak?aku kan kawan nye yang comel. Ahahaha~~~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha..thx sakinot.

aku dah retired dari sukan. kehkehkeh