Monday, January 12, 2009

Gundam 00

People looks at you when you are different.

This is what happened when I kick ass, use profanities, and talk loudly.

I was in phonology class this morning when an Indon called me. "tahniah, anda menang rm 10, 000." He asked for my account no. to transfer the money. I was sceptical about it. Since when Celcom hired Indon workers. I told him to call me back half an hour later. He called back (again!that persistant bastard!) when I was in Lit class. I told him straight I don't believe his farce, "Let me talk to your manager." Not surprisingly, he asked me, "saya x faham. blh tak ckp bm."
Hah! mana ada celcom personnel yg x leh ckp english.nampak sgt menipu.
pastu, I told him. "You are lying. I'm not interested in your scam." It was done loudly, my lecturer was staring at me. ^_^"

Hmm...Akmal bought kebab for us. Yay! penjimatan duit hari ini!

Ever since I'm here, I have become really careful about my expenses. Bayar yuran dgn duit sendiri, pastu dh x da duit nk belanja T_T

I've tried very hard to improve my BM, to the point of conversing in BM-eventhough I could hardly understand my gibberish talk. Haha..Ian, Fafa, Dina and Akmal always correct mistakes, though. Once, we were in Bm class, and the lecturer asked us to give factors that contributes to the spread of BM (pre-Indepandance). I didn't hear the instruction clearly.Obviously. So, merepek-repek la, buh kemunculan printing machine menyebabkan BM tersebar, blablabla...nk eja percetakan. i tanya la org sebelah, dia tgk i semacam. pastu dina bg tau, "u merepek apa. pencetakan la." malu gla-_-" lecturer tu gelak2 bla baca i punya jwpn.

I tried hard not to complain too much since my friends here got immuned la...I figured out drowning them with my complaints is just the 'out' thing; they're not that annoyed when I do that. Heh..nowadays I pepper them with nonsense stuff and keep asking them to blanja me. These ploy work wonderfully ^_^ Thanks to that, I've saved a lot of moolah.

Sigh, they can be frigging annoying when they don't respond to my mischief and tricks. I'm awfully cruel to Farah, though because she's fun to bother. Ngahahaha...

I'm watching Gundam 00 season 2 right now, even though I have a lot of assignment to be finished. life sounds AWFULLY boring. Gahhh!!!


Syahmi said...

thats ok, let us both vow to imprve the bm language :)

Anonymous said...

saki busuk.

tu la..i told u once..improve ur bm. =D

alia kamal said...

don't worry u can do it!
just don't create new bm words yeah. haha..


yay sakinah
ke arah memperkasa bahasa melayu ya!