Wednesday, March 28, 2012


The first impression when I got to the school: Aww... shucks, the lads and lasses have good manners.

Initial reaction when the beasts were flaunting their identity are Moroners.

But I tried to persevere... Unfortunately, I lost my cool.

After a few bouts of anger, I felt ashamed and desperate enough to be nice to everyone, because I felt like I was being barbaric.

These days, I don't give a fck about niceties anymore. Dealing with aptly inane teachers, as well idiotic beasts just opens up my inner volcano. The lava keeps spewing; the flow's not going to stop until I'm done there or pops an artery and die with copious amount of spilling from all visible orifices.

On the good side, the food's cheap and delicious. That's the only thing I look forward every day I go to school. The sad. Whiny, bitchy much post. I know. BUT, at the moment I feel like I'm gonna be trapped forever in this whirlpool of angst and self-pity.

/am gonna regret posting this on not so distant but not too near in the future -_-

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