Friday, July 3, 2009

Gender bender

There is a stage in life where you start questioning about your sexuality. Nothing as crazy as doubting your sexuality after being mojoed by a loco gypsy-magician (like in "Lalola"), but more on whether you have the sexual quality of of your fixed gender. This confusion applies to both gender. For example, you are a man, and like normal, heterosexual man, you found women in general, are attractive. But so are men (attractive, I mean).Okay, this is where we tread on dangerous water. You find yourself doubting about your sexuality. You start to question yourself, "Am I a gay?" or "Am I a bi?".
Sounds familiar? You might start getting heebie jeebies when you give this topic a thought. I know I did. I like men (with the exception of orang utan-looking man). I love to see how they smile, their gestures, their gait. Simply put, I love oggling hunky dory guys. BUT, I also find women enchanting to look at; their carefully painted eyes, their flirtatious sway, the way their legs move (women with long legs are simply eye-poppers), and their breasts. I know it sounds disgusting; I felt that way too when I caught myself thinking like that, scared the hell out of me. I thought, "Shit! I can't be bisexual, that's like incest to like girls and it's disgusting!"
It's an uncomfortable situation to be in, what's with the taboo of having sex talk and all. I couldn't bring the topic out and talk about this to anyone. I was ashamed, scared and disgusted at myself.
After some time, I came across a few others who faced the same dilemma, and some of them had overcome this confusion about their sexuality. It turned out that my fear was baseless. Some people do find people of same gender attractive: it's all in physical attraction chemistry. I just misinterpreted my attraction of other females as an omen of turning into a bi. It just happens that like many others, I'm easily attracted to people with attractive physiques, regardless of gender. Phew, am I glad to confirm my own sexuality.


Syahmi said...

two things first,
"wow" and "lol"
ha at least ur not some freakish myopic person who cant seem to figure out their sexuality till the rest of their life ;D

Ninie said...

Sorry for not wishing you 'happy birthday' earlier. But, it's not to late.........though it is! haha...
Note: Miss mel is now my neighbour at Shah Alam...:-P