Friday, February 13, 2009

Feeling blue all the way up to the mountain

I've been feeling low lately, I wallow in self-pity and disgust over everything that I have and have done. -sigh- I wonder if the world would be a better place if I'm not here.
which brings me to the question of what will happen if i'm not here (non existant)?

here's what i got....
1)no one would harrass all creatures labeled as "Saki's friends"
2)it would totally be boring without my soap dramas, complaints and my horrible retorts over everything and that means i leave nothing to be left uncomplained.
3)who'd be the boss? duh. go figure
4)no one would be powed. that's a bad thing. terrible. too horrible to describe. i mean, my friends will be having too much money and they might not be able to spend it all and they won't be having any space left so they should empty 'em so that they can have space for the money that they're going to get from parents/ptptu/scholarship.That's a very logical reasoning and there could be no better way than spending their money for on me!
5)people would so totally miss my outrageous cuteness
6)syahmi would wail over nobody over his heartaches and misfortunes that befell on him. aimi would be to. I am after all their unpaid sympathizer cum friend cum lowly trained psychiatrist cum life counsellor.
7)no more late night meeting cum gossip sesion cum dbsk screamer cause i'm the organizer.duh.
8)sapa lg nk wat dajal dlm kelas klu x da moi
9) be continued

1 comment:

Syahmi said...

what is that with number 6?
